Thursday, March 08, 2007


Caricature... I suck at it. I try it all the time and success is a RARITY. I struggle and struggle. Sometimes, there is a rare person (usually friends or co-workers) that I can get right away, but if that doesn't happen, it almost NEVER happens... ever.

I did this drawing for my Step-brother's Wedding invite. It took me probably close to 100 attempts before I got close to "getting" him and probably around 50 for his lovely bride to be, and that one still sucks. Of course, this means nothing to you dear internet reader, for you have no idea what these people look like. To you, this is just another drawing.

I learned a lot doing this drawing. It's always good to step outside your comfort zone every now and then if you want to grow, and get better. Hopefully that will be the end result of this latest endeavour.


Sketchaholic said...

I need to take a couple steps out of my comfort zone once in a while too. Nice drawings wether or not there is a likeness!

craig said...

sweet charicatures bro!


It looks nice, looks like someone in particular. I have trouble with caricature of women since i end up wanting to beautify, make the subject look as attractive as possible and end up losing some of the likeness along the way.

monkeyfeather said...

Thanks VI and Craig.

Hey Mike, yeah caricaturing women is tricky, you're nicer than I am though, which is why I have a rule about these things. It's not true for everyone, but I think the core of caricature involves accentuating what most likely the subject is most sensitive about.

I heard a story once about two caricaturists at a party. Both were very good caricaturists, but one was being brutally honest and the other was beautifying people, yet maintaining a likeness. You can guess which guy was getting all the business. I'd be the guy sitting in the corner wondering why he's not getting any business.


Yah, the brutal honest drawings are the most fun to look at too. I used to draw people portraits all the time , it's just generally i think women prefer to be seen as attractive as possible, haha.
Say mariah carey sits down and is missing half her teeth, do you draw her smile with an open or closed mouth?

monkeyfeather said...

I don't like Mariah Carey, so I'm gonna say mouth open and probably missing more teeth than what's actually there. Her security would probably beat me by the time I was done.


Hahaha! Yah that would be a better picture. :D